22 Bench Rest

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.22 Rimfire Bench Rest



  1. Informal shooters will shoot at 50 yards at the new Oak Hill Informal Target.  It’s a target that we designed specifically for you.  (We used a prototype of it at last October’s match and it was well-received.)  A pic of the OHIT target is attached.  Peggy will have both ARA and OHIT targets for sale at her house.  Price for either target will be 2 for $1.  You may also purchase them at the matches.
  2. There will be no limit on scope power in any of the classes.
  3. To make our match prices commensurate with the prices at other clubs and to pay for the improvements, prices will increase slightly.  Price for a four-target ARA match will be $20.  Price per target for the Informal match will be $4.


  1. It is intended that registration for all shooters will be from 7: 15 to 8:45 a.m.  All ARA shooters will need to be registered before 9 a.m.  Informal shooters may register for relays 3, 4, etc after 9 a.m.
  2. The first relay of Informal shooters will begin at 0815 using all 10 benches.  The second relay of Informal shooters will begin immediately after the first relay using all 10 benches.
  3. Registration of ARA shooters will close at 0900.  At 0900, ARA shooters will draw for benches.   ARA shooters sharing equipment (who need to share a bench) will draw first.   It is intended that ARA shooters will be assigned to enough benches to assure that no more than two relays of ARA shooters are required.  All remaining benches will be used for relays of Informal shooters.
  4. The first relay of ARA shooters will begin at 0930, simultaneously with the third relay of Informal shooters.   Thereafter, ARA and Informal relays will run simultaneously.


  • Formal: American Rimfire Assocation match
    General ARA rules for ARA targets, 25 shots each at 50 yards, 20 minutes per target
    Very few restrictions on ammo, gun, or rest except that ammo must be .22LR

  • Informal:

  • Match Director: Scott Albury Cell: 815-603-6146 Email: doclu60@gmail.com

  • Kevin Coss 563-529-5214

“WIND: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” by Ron Elbe

Rimfire Benchrest 101″, Chapters I, II, & III” by Ron Elbe

“Sorting Rimfire Cartridges”, Chapters I-VII” by Ron Elbe
