Centerfire Bench Rest


Centerfire Benchrest at Oak Hill Gun Club

Affiliated with NBRSA

One Match per month April through September Check club schedule for correct date Registration at 8 AM—Shooting starts at 9 AM Group shooting

  • 5 Shots/Target(Match)

  • 7 minutes allowed per Match

  • 5—5 Shot Matches at 100 yards

  • 5—5 Shot Matches at 200 yards


  • Expressed in minute of angle (Smallest Group)

  • Smallest 100/200 yard aggregate winners recognized

  • Grand Aggregate recognized

  • Smallest group per yardage recognized Everyone welcome—Bring your favorite gun and join us

Match directors:

  • Jim Schmidt 563-340-4789

  • Jerry King 563-324-6640

            Schedule for 2017
Saturday    April 29            Light Varmint
Sunday      May 21             Heavy Varmint
Saturday    June 17            Light Varmint
                     Sunday      July 16                 Heavy Varmint/Unlimited
Sunday      August 20         Light Varmint
Sunday      September 17   Heavy Varmint/Unlimited

We try to schedule the matches on the 3rd Sunday of each month. These are the exceptions this year.
April’s match was moved to Saturday April 29 because the 16th is Easter. June’s date was moved to Saturday June 17th because the 18th is fathers day. At Oak Hill Gun Club all center fire bench rest matches are shot under the sanction of the National Bench Rest Shooter Association. 
All matches start at 9:00​ AM​
If you know anyone else who would interested in this schedule please send me
their name and email address and I’ll add them to my addressees
​Match Director
Jim Schmidt​


